Frequently Asked Questions
What is CBD?
CBD (cannabidiol) is a component of cannabis oil, but it is not psychoactive. As a result, it is possible to consume CBD in a variety of settings where it is not possible to consume products that contain THC.
In addition, CBD does not come from exactly the same plant as THC-containing products. In fact, CBD comes from hemp, and this type of cannabis does not contain significant amounts of THC.
Is It Really THC Free?
CBD products actually are THC-free, and this ensures that they will not cause psychoactive effects.
Does CBD Tend To Cause Side Effects?
In most cases, CBD does not cause side effects. If any side effects do occur, they tend to be extremely mild.
Is CBD Legal?
CBD is legal in most states. CBD is prohibited in the following states: IA, NE, SD, ID.